

Together with Tegel, we designed and delivered an improvement journey to make people’s lives easier within the organisation. The term “Simplify” was born, with the focus on people first, confident in the knowledge that significant business benefits would follow.

The Problem
When we first met with Tegel Foods, they were hesitant to recruit outside consultants into their operations again. Lean Manufacturing had been attempted in the past as a way to improve shop floor operations, but the changes only resulted in pockets of improvement and multiple sites operated in different ways. Before we commenced, people spoke of previous consultants being very “top down” and “telling people what to do.”


Together with Tegel, we discussed the importance of this new improvement journey being a different experience for everyone across the organisation, one which would make people’s lives easier and simpler and would also have a benefit to key business metrics.

The term “Simplify” was born, starting with people benefit first with the knowledge and confidence that a by-product would be a significant business benefit.


During our activities across multiple sites, employee engagement soared, quality and health and safety improved significantly, and the bottom-line financial benefits were many multiples of the cost.

Watch the video below to learn more about how we tailored our approach for Tegel Foods. 


Tegel Foods


Protein Processing
